First day of filming

Today we began filming the short film. The girls got to my house around 2:00pm and Felipe arrived around 2:30pm. We got through all of Felipe’s parts fast, so we can move on quickly. Alejandro texted us last minute saying he couldn’t make it. We didn’t want this to push our plans back, so we filmed without him. We completed around half of the film the first day. We saved them to my computer right after to make sure we don’t lose them. We saved all the props and clothes we used today so that we don’t have to film the same scenes again the next time we film. We made sure that Brianna would remember to bring the same clothes because she can’t be wearing blue sweatpants in shot and grey in the next. Felipe left my house after his parts were done because he had work within the next hour. Macaria left around 7:00pm and Brianna left around 8:00pm. We were able to film, eat lunch and dinner, and view the shots we got. Some scenes were harder to film than others because of the lighting and change of scenery. We wanted to make sure everything matched up.


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